IoT Cube configuration instructions for Ubuntu

Internet of Things simplified

Create your free account

  1. Go to the IoT Cube Register page.
  2. Enter your name.
  3. Enter your email address.
  4. Enter your entity name.
  5. Click Register.
  6. Check your email.

Install IoT Cube Agent

  1. Got to the Webtool.
  2. Select Add Gateway and choose equipment. 
  3. Copy the script command.
  4. Paste and execute the script command on terminal window
  5. Give a name and a description.

Configure your system

Use IoT Cube Webtool to configure your Gateways and Devices, creating all the connections between Field Devices and IoT Cube Platform. Easy to use wizards will guide you through the configuration process, to quickly start getting access to your data.

Create your Dashboard

You can now use all of IoT Cube features to Monitor, Control and Automate your Devices.
Configure your Dashboards, Alarms and Automatization processes and get to know your detailed costs using IoT Cube Tariffs and Cost Center features.

You can consult IoT Cube Welcome Guide. You can find all the information you need to onboard IoT Cube Platform. Our Support Team is also available for any specific question you might have. Just Contact Us.